Thank you to those who provided feedback on the INTERSECT Consortium seminar. Your feedback showed us that meetings within different sub-groups were highly valued, as were general INTERSECT updates. Based on your feedback we have decided to hold the following events every other month:
Month one
Week one – INTERSECT Fathers and Partners sub-group meeting
Week two – INTERSECT Fear of childbirth sub-group meeting
Week three – INTERSECT Parent-infant bond sub-group meeting
These sub-groups can be arranged in any way members think would be most useful to them.
Month two
INTERSECT Consortium seminar
General INTERSECT update
Update from sub-groups
Breakout rooms
Volunteers needed!
We are looking for volunteers to lead each subgroup, this will involve leading the sub-group meetings. We can still help with the administrative side (e.g. setting up Teams invites). If you would like to volunteer, please email